Licensing Out Activity

Licensing Out is the Department of IUCT in charge of negotiating the license of products & technologies obtained as a result of its research activity.

IUCT currently holds 70 granted patents in three large fields like:

-        Drug Development,Drug Discovery, Biomedicine.

-        Industrial Biotechnology and Biofuels.

-        Green Chemistry and Green Products.

Some of these patents come from products/technologies in which all the researches are finished and available for its license or technology transfer. Among them we have:

Exopolysaccharides (EPS): new active ingredients for the cosmetic industry.

-        C2: it has shown a potent antioxidant activity (it increases 15 times the GSH/GSSG ratio) and it notably stimulates the endogen keratin synthesis (more than 40% compared to control). Due to their properties, it is specially indicated for the formulation of hair care products like shampoos, hair conditioners….

-        C3: it has an excellent antioxidant activity, scavenging and detoxifying the cells from the free radicals, and it is also capable of counteracting the malignat effects of UV radiation (up to 60% more when compared to control). These properties makes C3 specifically indicated for its use in skin, anti-aging and sun protection formulations.


Drug Discovery libraries: we have a variable number of compounds already synthetized for their use in the research of new drugs in areas like:

-        Cancer: lung, breast, colon, liver, pancreas, kidney, lymphoma, leukaemia and glyoblastoma

-        Viral diseases: AIDS, HIV, hepatitis…

-        Central Nervous System diseases: Alzheimer, Parkinson, anxiety disorders, depression…

-        Coagulation.

-        Inflammatory diseases.

We have also obtained some hits, compounds that have shown in vitro activity, in the aforementioned areas. Such hits are available for licensing or for Co-development agreements with interested companies.

Drug Discovery services: it includes the design, synthesis and evaluation of candidate molecules to interact with pharmacological targets. Our team has:

-        Infrastructure: with the latest techniques of chemistry synthesis, medicinal chemistry, high throughput analysis, high throughput experimentation, structural elucidation and intellectual property search.

-        Wide experience.

-        Know-how: organic synthesis, biotechnology and biocatalysis processes through the use of proprietary enzymes or with live microorganisms.

Inkemia offers:

Flexibility: up to complementary 4 ways of synthesis of compounds.

      Added value: we not only provide you the desired compounds but as well the whole synthesis pathway for a further pilot or industrial scale up.

      We can produce any type of native, recombinant or mutant enzyme.

      Wide experience and background in analysis and synthesis.

The Licensing Out Department also carry out Co-development Agreements with other companies by providing the compounds obtained in its research and cooperating with some expenses and/or tests, and the other companies carry out the in vitro/in vivo efficacy and safety tests with such compounds. 

In case of success, the Intellectual Property and any income from the licensing as well as the the expenses done until the product had been licensed are shared 50% by each party.

We are a dynamic, flexible and creative team in the search of solutions for our customers,  as well as a market oriented company


-        S50: the first new advanced biofuel economically viable of Europe obtained from crude glycerol or any source of triglycerides like vegetable oils, used cooking oils, animal fats, etc.

-        Bioheating oil: it is a fuel for boilers in production processes that demand a big amount of energy like those of cement, asphalt, distilleries, chemical companies, etc. It notably improves the air quality when compared with traditional fossil fuels like fuel oil.

-        Glycerol to FAME (biodiesel) technology: we have developed a technology that allow the biodiesel producers to increase its profitability through the transformation of crude glycerol, a very low added value by-product obtained in the biodiesel production, into biodiesel, a biofuel of common use in the road transport.

P&D Para Licenciar

A partir dos projectos levados a cabo no grupo InKemia IUCT se desenvolvem de produtos, processos e tecnologias inovadoras que tornam-se parte de seu pipeline e podem ser patenteadas, exploradas como know-how ou formar uma nova plataforma tecnológica. Todas estas tecnologias podem tornar-se, mais tarde, parte da indústria através de um processo de transferência de tecnologia 


Biblioteca de Exopolissacarídeos

A InKemia descobriu uma ampla gama de exopolissacarídeos (EPS), produtos com grande potencial como ingredientes ativos em uma extensa variedade de campos (farmácia humana e veterinária, cosmética e alimentos funcionais, entre outros). Atualmente a empresa dispõe de aproximadamente 100 compostos distintos preparados, a maioria deles, para serem avaliados. Foi através de diversos acordos de co-desenvolvimento que a InKemia pôs em marcha várias linhas de pesquisa para estudar o uso dos EPS´s na doença de Alzheimer e para aplicações cosméticas e, em breve, se iniciarão novas pesquisas para ampliar os usos destes EPS´s.

Algunas das linhas de pesquisa já foram concluídas com sucesso dando origem a 2 produtos com aplicações cosméticas: Os EPS C2 e C3

·         C2 é um EPS com potente atividade  antioxidante (melhora em até 15 vezes a relação GSH/GSSG) e estimula de forma notável a síntese de queratina (mais de 40%, se comparado com o controle).É um ingrediente ativo que, devido às suas propriedades, está especialmente indicado para a formulação de produtos de cuidado capilar (shampoos, condicionadores etc)

·         C3 é um EPS com excelente atividade antioxidante capaz de combater os efeitos daninhos da radiação UV (diminui até  60% em comparação com o controle) assim como é capaz de desintoxicar as células dos raidaic livres. Estas propiedades fazem com que o C3 seja particularmente indicado para o uso em formulações de cuidados da pele, antienvelhecimento e protectores solares.

Solicite mais informação aquí.


PATENTES da InKemia IUCT Group

A divisão do conhecimento do grupo Inkemia IUCT, atingiu a cifra de 62 patentes completas.

As patentes são de caráter internacional e chegam a mais de 20 países indicam que essas patentes têm potencial para serem exploradas a longo, prazo algumas delas terminando em 2030.

Também destacamos que um grande número destas patentes estão atualmente sob revisão e é esperada aprovação progressiva nos próximos meses. Tanto as patentes pendentes como as concedidas, podem concentrar-se em grupos de 25 patentes que se apresentam em vários países ao redor do mundo. Assim, todas as patentes em tramites somadas podem totalizar mais de 150 no final do processo.

As 62 patentes são agrupadas em cinco principais áreas de desenvolvimento:

  • Desenvolvimento de Medicamentos
  • Drug Discovery
  • Biomedicina.
  • Biotecnologia Industrial e Biocombustíveis.
  • Química Verde e Produtos Verdes.


Desenvolvimento de Fármacos - Drug Discovery - Biomedicina

Bibliotecas de pequenas moléculas com potencial atividade antiinflamatoria. “N-(1-Fenil-2-oxo-3-piperidil) sulfonamidas para identificação de atividade biológica e farmacológica”

Nº de Patente País concedido Ano de concessão Ano em que caduca
1 USA 2013 2030


Bibliotecas de pequenas moléculas com potencial atividade antiinflamatoria.“N-Fenil-1-sulfonil-2-pirrolidinacarboxamidas para identificação de atividade biológica e farmacológica

Nº de Patente País concedido Ano de concessão Ano em que caduca
2 USA 2013 2030


Novos biocatalisadores para obtenção de principios ativos farmacêuticos ANTICANCERÍGENOS e ANTIVIRAIS. “Thermostable biocatalyst combination for nucleoside synthesis

Nº de Patente País concedido Ano de concessão Ano em que caduca
3 USA 2013 2030


Biotecnologia industrial e combustíveis

Novo Biocombustível de Segunda Geração. “Obtenção de ésteres de ácidos graxos de glicerol formal e uso como biocombustível

Nº de Patente País concedido Ano de concessão Ano em que caduca
4 USA 2012 2027
5-31 Patente Europea Todos los 27 países 2011 2027
32 Australia 2011 2027
33 Hong Kong 2011 2027
34 Japón 2013 2027
35 Méjico 2011 2027
36 Malasia 2011 2027
37 Nueva Zelanda 2011 2027
38 Canadá 2013 2027
39 Vietnam 2013 2027
40 Corea del Sur 2013 2027


Síntese de intermeios farmacêuticos mediante química verde “Procedimiento de acilación de Friedel-Crafts en Líquidos Iónicos”

Nº de Patente País concedido Ano de concessão Ano em que caduca
62 USA 2009 2025


Biosíntese de la Vitamina K3. “Procedimiento Microbiológico para a preparação de Menadiona

Nº de Patente País concedido Ano de concessão Ano em que caduca
41 España 2010 2024
42 Alemania 2010 2024


Green Chemistry y Green Products

Novos solventes verdes para o desengorduramento de metais. “Compositions for degreasing hard surfaces

Nº de Patente País concedido Ano de concessão Ano em que caduca
43 Alemania 2011 2028
44 España 2011 2028
45 Francia 2011 2028
46 UK 2011 2028
47 Irlanda 2011 2028
48 Italia 2011 2028
49 Holanda 2011 2028
50 Polonia 2011 2028
51 Suiza 2011 2028


Síntese de Princípios Ativos Farmacêuticos por meio da química verde. “Process for the preparation of LOPERAMIDE"

Nº de Patente País concedido Ano de concessão Ano em que caduca
52 Alemania 2012 2027
53 España 2012 2027
54 Italia 2012 2027
55 UK 2012 2027
56 Suiza 2012 2027


Síntese de Princípios Ativos Farmacêuticos por meio da química verde. “Process for the preparation of the PIMOZIDE

Nº de Patente País concedido Ano de concessão Ano em que caduca
57 Alemania 2013 2027
58 España 2013 2027
59 Italia 2013 2027
60 UK 2013 2027
61 Suiza 2013 2027



IUCT contributes to increasing the competitiveness of companies, offering access to technological development and innovation in a highly professional manner and at affordable costs at the same time are fun damental for corporate sustainability in the medium term.

The objective is to generate IUCT new technology, new products, new processes and new knowledge to transfer to the industry and professional sectors to which it is directed. This is the basis of the activity and IUCT resources, which results in research, highly specialized training programs and various services.

Our history

  • 1997
  • 1998
  • 1999
  • 2000
  • 2001
  • 2002
  • 2003
  • 2004
  • 2005
  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
Constitució de IUCT
Inauguració instal·lacions a Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona).
Membre fundador de European Society of Combinatorial Sciences
Comença el Màster Universitari en Prevenció de Riscos Laborals.
Inauguració de la primera planta pilot farmacèutica
Aprovat un projecte en el Programa EUREKA de la Unió Europea
Membre de Consell del Green Chemistry Institut Internacional
IUCT és autoritzat com a laboratori farmacèutic pel Ministeri de Sanitat
Organització de la 7th Combinatorial Chemestry Week
Inauguració de la seva delegació al Parc Científic de Madrid (Tres Cantos)
Organització de la 7th Green Chemestry Conference
Constitució de IUCT Emprèn S.L, encarregada de la gestió de les empreses participades.
IUCT crea el Fondo Cabdal Coneixement.
InKemia IUCT Group s'incorpora al Mercat Alternatiu Borsari.
Inkemia és seleccionada com a campiona en els 2013/14 European Business Awards
Es constitueix la primera filial estrangera a Sau Paulo. Brasil
Inkemia IUCT coloca la primera pedra de la nova seu a Parets del Vallès
Constitució de la filial Inkemia Green Chemicals, Inc als Estats Units



Inagurated in November 2006, InKemia IUCT group’s office in Madrid, means the beginning of the company’s expansion. This office is located in the Scientific Park building in the Parque Tecnológico de Madrid facilities. This location allows InKemia IUCT group to count with the support that the scientific park gives to its infrastructures; the park’s promoters are the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the Universidad Complutense and the CSIC.

With a highly qualified human team (mostly PhDs) ,InKemia IUCT group Madrid works in collaboration with many companies contributing know-how to the industry.



Inaugurated in April 1998, the facilities located in Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona) constitute the central headquarters of InKemia IUCT group.

These facilities of about 3.000 m2 are equipped with 7 R+D laboratories and analytical and microbiological services, a pharmaceutical pilot plant (authorized by the Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios for the production of pharmaceutical products for human or veterinary used along with medicines under research), offices, classrooms, scientific library and other services.

InKemia IUCT Barcelona also counts with a highly qualified team of employees that are capable of developing the R+D projects, analytical, consultancy and manufacturing services and technological training.

Cooperation projects


InKemia IUCT group has been, since its constitution in 1997 until now, executing over 35 of its own R&D projects framed in the different areas financed by the public administration in collaboration with European projects (Collaborative Research Program, CRAFT, INTAS, TEMPUS, Marie Curie), besides national programs (PROFIT, TORRES QUEVEDO) and regional programs  (CIDEM, GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA). This participation in research programs reaches its high point in March 2004 with the European project SOLVSAFE, of which InKemia IUCT group is coordinator and which involves 22 partners, 15 companies and 22 company associations.

InKemia IUCT group also offers companies the possibility to execute projects in cooperation.




01 Technological development in drug discovery laboratories using combinatorial chemistry/parallel synthesis and HTA system (COMBINATORIA)
EUREKA Program of V PM of the European Union (File Nº E! 2900) 

02 Eccofficient optimization of biodiesel production by innovative methods and utilization of by-products (ECO-Diesel)
CRAFT Program of the V European Union Frame Program (File Nº CRAFT-1999-72319). 

03 Identification, synthesis and biological Screening of New Drug Leads with a Rational-Drug Design Approach for Bradykinin Antagonism as anti-asthmatic therapeutic Strategy (BRADIKININA)
Project in cooperation with UPC and financed by the Fundació Marató TV3 foundation (respiratory diseases) (File Nº E041931)
Education and Science ministry, PROFIT program (File Nº CIT-090100-2005-33)

04 Advanced Safer Solvents for Innovative Industrial Eco- Processing (SOLVSAFE) Integrated project where IUCT acts as coordinator
Project approved in the NMP IP-SMEs program of the VI European Union Frame Program.  (File Nº: 011774-2)

05 High Throughput Research: Towards a fast biobased discovery and Screening of new drug targeting neoplasic and metastasic activity (DISC-SCREEN)
Project in cooperation where IUCT acts as coordinator
Eurostars Program of the European Union (File Nº E!4400)
Financed through the CDTI Interempresas Internacional program (File Nº CIIP-20091013)

06 Development of novel treatment for myotonic dystrophy: in vivo discovery (Malalties minoritàries)
Project in cooperation with IQS and UV.
Financed by the Fundació Marató TV3 foundation (Minority Diseases) (File Nº 100230/31/32).

07 Prevention of prosthetic cardiac valve complication through the modification of natural anti-carbohydrate antibodies (TRANSLINK)
Project in cooperation with IDIBELL, IUCT, UCL and AOP.
Financed by the VII European Union Frame Program (File Nº 603049-1)

08 Novel Biofocused targeting of nucleoside analogues as enhanced anticancer therapy (NOBITAN)
Project in cooperation with Leitat and JPT.
Project approved by the Eurotransbio 2011 program of the European Union (File Nº: ETB-2011-43)
Financed by ACC1Ó of the Generalitat de Catalunya (File Nº: RDNET11-1-0004)

09 Glycerol Biorefinery Approach for the Production of High Quality Products of Industrial Value (GRAIL)
Project in cooperation with ENEA, BZN, MEGEGARA,…
Financed by the VII European Union Frame Program (File Nº: FP7-KBBE.2013.3.4-01)

10 Ecopaint bio-based formulations (ECOBIOFOR)
Inkemia participates as a RTD performer.
Financed by the VII European Union Frame Program (File Nº: 605215).

11 Sustainable industrial processes based on a C-C bond-forming enzyme platform (CARBAZYMES)
Inkemia participates as a RTD performer.
Financed by the Horizon 2020 European Union Frame Program (File Nº: H2020-LEIT-BIO-2014-1).

AMMIC, l’Acceleradora en Malalties Minoritàries de Catalunya.

Comunitat RIS3CAT NextHealth


The Collaborative project AMMIC was launched to face the difficulties of the treatment of rare diseases. AMMIC consist in a network of technology based companies and reputed hospitality research centres that collaborate in boosting the development of therapeutic solutions to rare diseases from the early discovery to clinical research.


Development of food supplements to improve the quality of life of patients affected with Type 1 Myotonic Dystrophy, DM1



DM1 project is launched for the development of marketable products, with the possibility to be registered under food supplement regulations, to improve the quality of life of patients affected with DM1.





  •  +34 93 579 34 32
  •  +34 93 570 57 45
  •  C\ Àlvarez de Castro, 63, 08100
    Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona)